DISCLAIMER: Aaron's mic was having some weird intermittent issues. We apologize for the audio quality! Some small crackles here and there and Aaron's mic sometimes sounds like butt. :(
What would a video game be without a bad guy to root against? In this episode of the Super Pod Saga, Aaron Tommy and Nick from "Friday Night Gamecast" talk about their favorite game antagonists! Check it out please?
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Music during Bones Coffee ad break:
"Jazz Cafe" by FASSounds from Pixabay
Music during Edible Markers ad break:
"Modern Chillout (Future Calm)" by penguinmusic from Pixabay
00:00 - Intro
01:27 - Guest intro and socials
08:30 - Topic of the Day
13:24 - Magus (Chrono Trigger)
17:33 - Reapers (Mass Effect)
22:36 - Lady Rhea (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
26:26 - Porky Minch (Earthbound, Mother 3)
32:31 - Federal Agent Edgar Ross (Red Dead Redemption)
36:18 - SA-X (Metroid Fusion)
41:28 - M. Bison (Street Fighter series)
46:33 - Mike Tyson/ Mr. Dream (Punch-Out!!)
51:58 - SPOILER WARNING---- Second Sister and Taron Malicos (Jedi: Fallen Order)
58:17 - Bones Coffee ad
59:27 - Patron shout-out!
01:00:22 - Cable Duplicator Program ad
01:03:15 - SPOILER WARNING----More from Jedi: Fallen Order
01:09:09 - Joker (Batman Arkham series)
01:14:51 - SPOILER WARNING---- The Last of Us Part II
01:30:28 - Kuja (Final Fantasy 9)
01:36:03 - Captain Martin Walker (Spec Ops: The Line)
01:41:15 - Frank Fontaine (BioShock)
01:49:45 - Wrapping it up and Honorable Mentions
01:50:34 - Guest info and Super Pod Saga info
01:51:29 - Topic for the next episode
01:52:05 - Outro