Aaron 🐙 Host

Aaron 🐙

Sand enthusiast, Supreme Slug Shaman, and host of SuperPod Saga. Lover of all things JRPG, puzzles, and Custom Robo. Howlongtobeat: https://howlongtobeat.com/user/Scabzilla

Appears in 151 Episodes


Ep. 132 - PS2 Filled With Bees | The Greatest Years in Gaming: 2004 Edition (ft. Brian Riggsbee)

Get in loser, we're going podcasting! This week, Aaron and Gerry are joined by Brian Riggsbee—former game designer and creator of the awesome Retro Game Books—to discuss some of the best games and other cool things from the year 2004! 🦋 SOCIALS 👥BlueskyInstagramYouTubeBlogSuperPod NetworkSuper Ghost Radio🗣️ INTERACT WITH THE SHOW 📨superpodsaga@gmail.comJoin our Discord server💸 SUPPORT THE SHOW 💰BONES COFFEE: Get 20% off your order using this link and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! DUBBY: Your new favorite zero-sugar energy supplement! Use this link to get 20% off!ANBERNIC: Retro handhelds you're sure to love. Use my link to get a discount and support the show!PODCASTPAGE: Need a highly customizable website for your podcast, blog, or YouTube channel? Try their 14-day free trial!MERCH: Check out our merch. Shirts, stickers, magnets, and more! PATREON: Support the show for $2 or $4/month for early access to new episodes, unedited video versions, monthly blogs, and more! PAYPAL: Drop a one-time donation of whatever amount you'd like and leave us a cool message!CHAPTERS

RETRO REHAB | Ep. 7 - MiSTer Mania! | Feat. Jamie (Kitrinx)

[Original air date: 06/14/2024] This week, Gerry and Aaron sit down with Jamie - better known as her internet handle, Kitrinx, to talk all about the MiSTer FPGA Project. Jamie has developed and contributed to several cores on MiSTer, and we take a deep dive into what its like to develop cores, manage and create the MiSTer Discord, and of course relive some video game memories.🦋 SOCIALS 👥BlueskyInstagramYouTubeBlogSuperPod NetworkSuper Ghost Radio🗣️ INTERACT WITH THE SHOW 📨superpodsaga@gmail.comJoin our Discord server💸 SUPPORT THE SHOW 💰BONES COFFEE: Get 20% off your order using this link and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! DUBBY: Your new favorite zero-sugar energy supplement! Use this link to get 20% off!ANBERNIC: Retro handhelds you're sure to love. Use my link to get a discount and support the show!PODCASTPAGE: Need a highly customizable website for your podcast, blog, or YouTube channel? Try their 14-day free trial!MERCH: Check out our merch. Shirts, stickers, magnets, and more! PATREON: Support the show for $2 or $4/month for early access to new episodes, unedited video versions, monthly blogs, and more! PAYPAL: Drop a one-time donation of whatever amount you'd like and leave us a cool message!CHAPTERS

Ep. 131 - How Jesus Got His Groove Back | We Design Our Own Console

This week we're designing our own fictional console: The Doprepus Monolith! Gerry and Aaron describe how the console works, the controllers, how the games are installed, and even the mascot character and launch titles! This episode is a total trainwreck in the best possible ways. 🦋 SOCIALS 👥BlueskyInstagramYouTubeBlogSuperPod NetworkSuper Ghost Radio🗣️ INTERACT WITH THE SHOW 📨superpodsaga@gmail.comJoin our Discord server💸 SUPPORT THE SHOW 💰BONES COFFEE: Get 20% off your order using this link and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! DUBBY: Your new favorite zero-sugar energy supplement! Use this link to get 20% off!ANBERNIC: Retro handhelds you're sure to love. Use my link to get a discount and support the show!PODCASTPAGE: Need a highly customizable website for your podcast, blog, or YouTube channel? Try their 14-day free trial!MERCH: Check out our merch. Shirts, stickers, magnets, and more! PATREON: Support the show for $2 or $4/month for early access to new episodes, unedited video versions, monthly blogs, and more! PAYPAL: Drop a one-time donation of whatever amount you'd like and leave us a cool message!CHAPTERS

Ep. 130 - Cooler Than Canned Soup | Sega Genesis: Retrospected and Rehabbed

SuperPod does what Nintendon't! Join Aaron and Gerry as they dive into the rad 90s world of the Genesis - Sega's explosive entry into the 4th Generation of consoles - and chat about the accessories, the console itself, and some cool games for the system. We might even touch on some repressed memories, Rob Zombie impersonations, and bubble gum ice cream.SOCIALSBluesky | Instagram | YouTube | Discord | Blog |SuperPod Network | Super Ghost RadioSUPPORT THE SHOWBONES COFFEE: Get 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! ANBERNIC: Retro handhelds you're sure to love. Use my link to get a discount and support the show!MERCH: Check out our merch. Shirts, stickers, magnets, and more! PATREON: Support the show for $2 or $4/month for early access to new episodes, unedited video versions, monthly blogs, and more! KO-FI: Drop a one-time donation of whatever amount you'd like, and leave us a fun message!CHAPTERS

Ep. 129 - Skin-Colored Lobotomized Venom | The Return of the Bois

BACK BY UNPOPULAR DEMAND—it's SuperPod Saga! Aaron and Gerry are taking this week to catch-up and chat about the games they've been playing, what they've doing during their break since December, and whether or not they still need to be rehabilitated for their addictions to retro games (SPOILER ALERT: they do). SOCIALSBluesky | Instagram | YouTube | Discord | Blog |SuperPod Network | Super Ghost RadioSUPPORT THE SHOWBONES COFFEE: Get 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! ANBERNIC: Retro handhelds you're sure to love. Use my link to get a discount and support the show!MERCH: Check out our merch. Shirts, stickers, magnets, and more! PATREON: Support the show for $2 or $4/month for early access to new episodes, unedited video versions, monthly blogs, and more! KO-FI: Drop a one-time donation of whatever amount you'd like, and leave us a fun message!CHAPTERS

RETRO REHAB | Ep. 6 - Games That Made Us RAGE As Kids | Ft. Matt Storm

[Original air date: 05/31/2024] This week we are joined by Matt Storm of Fun and Games Podcast (and many many other things!) to try and work out some childhood trauma and talk about games that made our little kid brains have meltdowns. From fear of drowning in underwater levels, to controller biting difficult bosses - this is Retro Rehab.SOCIALSBluesky | Instagram | YouTube | Discord | SuperPod Network | Super Ghost RadioVisit superpodsaga.com for more about our show!SUPPORT THE SHOWBONES COFFEE: Get 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! ANBERNIC: Retro handhelds you're sure to love. Use my link to get a discount and support the show!MERCH: Check out our merch. Shirts, stickers, magnets, and more! PATREON: Support the show for $1, $2, or $4/month for early access to new episodes, unedited video versions, monthly blogs, and more! CHAPTERS

RETRO REHAB | Ep. 5 - The Nintendo Entertainment System | Retrospected & Rehabbed

[Original air date: 05/17/2024] This week we kick off the first in our series of Retrospected & Rehabbed - where we talk about a console, best ways to play today, some fun facts, and our memories with the games and hardware. The console for our first edition is none other than The Nintendo Entertainment System - or Regular-Ass Nintendo if you will.SOCIALSBluesky | Instagram | YouTube | Discord | SuperPod Network | superpodsaga.comSUPPORT THE SHOWBONES COFFEE: Get 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! ANBERNIC: Retro handhelds you're sure to love. Use my link to get a discount and support the show!MERCH: Check out our merch. Shirts, stickers, magnets, and more! PATREON: Support the show for $2 or $4/month for early access to new episodes, unedited video versions, monthly blogs, and more! CHAPTERS

RETRO REHAB | Ep. 4 - Slaying ROMs In Vimm's Lair (Feat. Vimm)

[Original air date: 05/04/2024] We are very excited to have our first guest this week, as we welcome the legendary Vimm of Vimm's Lair! We talk shop about the impact that the Delta Emulator on the App Store has made on the site, as well as go over the history of the timeless website many of us have come to know as THE rom site. We also dive into Vimm's favorite game console and reminisce on his most cherished video game memory. Come for the SNES RPG nostalgia, and stay for the intriguing history of one of the oldest rom sites on the planet!Visit Vimm's Lair for all of your rom needs at https://vimm.net/SOCIALSBluesky | Instagram | YouTube | Discord | SuperPod Network | superpodsaga.comSUPPORT THE SHOWBONES COFFEE: Get 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! ANBERNIC: Retro handhelds you're sure to love. Use my link to get a discount and support the show!MERCH: Check out our merch. Shirts, stickers, magnets, and more! PATREON: Support the show for $2 or $4/month for early access to new episodes, unedited video versions, monthly blogs, and more! CHAPTERS

RETRO REHAB | EP. 3 - Games & Franchises That Need Revivals

[Original air date: 04/19/2024]This week Aaron and Gerry plead to the gaming gods to throw some Phoenix Downs on some of gaming's most forgotten or neglected games and franchises. From Power Stone and Demon's Crest - to speaking directly with Capcom on how to break the internet and print money - It's time for some Rehab.SOCIALSBluesky | Instagram | YouTube | Discord | SuperPod NetworkSUPPORT THE SHOWBONES COFFEE: Get 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! ANBERNIC: Retro handhelds you're sure to love. Use my link to get a discount and support the show!MERCH: Check out our merch. Shirts, stickers, magnets, and more! CHAPTERS

RETRO REHAB | EP. 2 - 16 Bit RPG Not-So-Hidden Gems

[Original air date: 04/11/2024]This week we kick off with some retro news in the MiSter FPGA world and the N64 Core, followed by the YUZU drama - then we jump into our topic as we highlight some hidden gems and compare them to similar well known games in the 16 Bit era of RPGs. From Secret of Mana and Earthbound - to Arcana and Twisted Tales of Spike McFang - This is Retro Rehab.SOCIALSBluesky | Instagram | YouTube | Discord | SuperPod NetworkSUPPORT THE SHOWBONES COFFEE: Get 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! ANBERNIC: Retro handhelds you're sure to love. Use my link to get a discount and support the show!MERCH: Check out our merch. Shirts, stickers, magnets, and more! 

RETRO REHAB | EP. 1 - Top 3 Consoles Ever. Period. (For Now)

[Original air date: 04/04/2024]THE WAIT IS OVER - The Greatest Collaboration of All Time is finally here. Blow the dust out of those rusty ol' cartridges, and get ready for a chaotic good time. In the debut episode Gerry and Aaron break down their top 3 consoles ever, and go over highlights and must play games on each. From 16Bit to 32Bit, and Billy Mitchell to Purple Piss Kid - This is RETRO REHAB.SOCIALSBluesky | Instagram | Threads | YouTube | Discord | SuperPod NetworkSUPPORT THE SHOWBONES COFFEE: Get 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! ANBERNIC: Retro handhelds you're sure to love. Use my link to get a discount and support the show!MERCH: Shirts, stickers, magnets, and more! 

Ep. 128 - Our Heads Explode | 2024 Recap Extravaganza

This week we're ending 2024 with an Earth-shattering BANG! Aaron and Gerry recap the year for SuperPod Saga, talk about some of the best games that they've played and beaten, and even share a small announcement toward the end. Also, Dracula hangs dong. SOCIALSBluesky | Instagram | Threads | YouTube | Discord | SuperPod NetworkSUPPORT THE SHOWBONES COFFEE: Get 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! ANBERNIC: Retro handhelds you're sure to love. Use my link to get a discount and support the show!MERCH: Shirts, stickers, magnets, and more! CHAPTERS

Ep. 127 - Home Sweet Home and/or Hub | The Best Hub Worlds (ft. Keifer and Treeky)

We're getting real cozy this week on SuperPod Saga! Aaron and Gerry are joined by Treeky and Keifer once more to discuss the best hub worlds in video games! From Mario, to Sonic, to Ys, and even Dark Souls. There really is no place like home. SOCIALSBluesky | Instagram | Threads | YouTube | Discord | SuperPod NetworkSUPPORT THE SHOWBONES COFFEE: Get 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! ANBERNIC: Retro handhelds you're sure to love. Use my link to get a discount and support the show!MERCH: Shirts, stickers, magnets, and more! CHAPTERS

Ep. 126 - Green With Envy | PokĂŠmon Emerald (ft. Keifer, Jared, and Beth)

The Game Boy Advance is home to many great RPGs—one of which being one of the best Pokémon games of all time: Pokémon Emerald. Aaron and (toward the end of the episode) Gerry are joined by Jared of Play Along Podcast, Keifer of Select and Start, and Gerry's co-host on Super Ghost Radio, Beth, to discuss what makes Emerald version so great and why it's one of the best games on the GBA.SOCIALSBluesky | Threads | Instagram | YouTube | Discord | SuperPod NetworkSUPPORT THE SHOWBONES COFFEE: Get 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! ANBERNIC: Retro handhelds you're sure to love. Use my link to get a discount and support the show!MERCH: Check out our merch. Shirts, stickers, magnets, and more! CHAPTERS

Ep. 125 - Backlog Butt Rock Bonanza | Metal Gear Solid (ft. Dave Jackson)

This week on Retro Rehab—wait, I mean SuperPod Saga—Aaron and Gerry are joined by Dave Jackson of Tales from the Backlog as they discuss the PS1 CLASSIC: Metal Gear Solid. If that hasn't sold you yet, we also have a riveting discussion about rocks, make some deals with the Retro Reaper, and we eat our body weights in cardboard boxes.SOCIALSBluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/superpodsaga.bsky.socialInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/superpodsaga/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@superpodsagaDiscord: https://discord.gg/7zXbMvVQksSuperPod Network: https://superpodnetwork.com/SUPPORT THE SHOWBONES COFFEE: Get 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! https://bit.ly/43sUOczANBERNIC: Retro handhelds you're sure to love. Use my link to get a discount and support the show!https://anbernic.com/superpodsagaCHAPTERS

Ep. 124 - We're Allergic to Lettuce | Voidcast #1 (ft. Mike, Nave, and Thrak)

Introducing Voidcast—a new series where we'll discuss anything and everything with our homies! This week Gerry and Aaron are joined by Mike, Nave, and Thrak as they discuss water allergies, strategy guides, PlayStation, and way more.SOCIALSBluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/superpodsaga.bsky.socialInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/superpodsaga/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@superpodsagaDiscord: https://discord.gg/7zXbMvVQksSuperPod Network: https://superpodnetwork.com/BONES COFFEEGet 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! https://bit.ly/43sUOcz

Ep. 123 - Crankin' With Goro | Our Top 5 Games of UFO50

All killer, no filler. This week Gerry and Aaron discuss their top 5 games of UFO50 - an amazing collection of games from a fictional retro console!CREDITSAaron: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/aaron-klaassenGerry: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/gerry-with-a-gSOCIALSBluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/superpodsaga.bsky.socialInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/superpodsaga/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@superpodsagaDiscord: https://discord.gg/7zXbMvVQksSuperPod Network: https://superpodnetwork.com/BONES COFFEEGet 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! https://bit.ly/43sUOcz

Ep. 122 - Pocket Full O' Black | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (ft. Gooey and McKenna)

This week we're waking Link from his 100 year slumber so we can discuss The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild! Joining Aaron and Gerry are Gooey and McKenna from "Flashback 64", who are MASSIVE Zelda fans. We'll discuss what makes this game stand-out, what we like, and what we dislike about this ground-breaking modern classic.CREDITSAaron: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/aaron-klaassenGerry: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/gerry-with-a-gFlashback 64: https://flashback64.neocities.org/SOCIALSBluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/superpodsaga.bsky.socialInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/superpodsaga/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@superpodsagaDiscord: https://discord.gg/7zXbMvVQksSuperPod Network: https://superpodnetwork.com/BONES COFFEEGet 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout!https://bit.ly/43sUOcz

Ep. 121 - Huge Delicious Suck | Retro FromSoftware Games (ft. Treeky)

Time for a BLAST FROM THE PAST! Aaron and new guest, Treeky, discuss the coolest games from FromSoftware's past. We also shit our Japants, do the Tim Allen grunt, and get addicted to crack!CREDITSAaron: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/aaron-klaassenTreeky: https://www.youtube.com/@TreekyboiSOCIALSInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/superpodsaga/Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/superpodsaga.bsky.socialYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@superpodsagaDiscord: https://discord.gg/7zXbMvVQksSuperPod Network: https://superpodnetwork.com/BONES COFFEEGet 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! https://bit.ly/43sUOcz

Ep. 120 - Everybody Loves Jogurt | Shining Force (ft. Jala and Thrak)

This week Aaron is joined by Jala and Thrak to revisit the legendary Sega tactics masterpiece—SHINING FORCE! We're moving along the grid of the battlefield and slapping the snot out of that Dark Dragon!CREDITSAaron: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/aaron-klaassenThrak: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/thrakJala: https://www.jalachan.place/SOCIALSTwitter: https://twitter.com/SuperPodSagaInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/superpodsaga/Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/superpodsaga.bsky.socialYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@superpodsagaDiscord: https://discord.gg/7zXbMvVQksSuperPod Network: https://superpodnetwork.com/BONES COFFEEGet 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! https://bit.ly/43sUOcz

Ep. 119 - Neon Genesis Kirbvangelion | Kirby: Planet Robobot (ft. Andre and Chris)

Time for something new! Aaron is joined by fellow SuperPod Network members Andre and Chris to discuss the 3DS masterpiece—Kirby Planet Robobot! CREDITSAaron: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/aaron-klaassenAndre: https://superpodnetwork.com/podcast/finetimeChris: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/chris-a-novel-consoleSOCIALSTwitter: https://twitter.com/SuperPodSagaInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/superpodsaga/Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/superpodsaga.bsky.socialYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@superpodsagaDiscord: https://discord.gg/7zXbMvVQksSuperPod Network: https://superpodnetwork.com/BONES COFFEEGet 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! https://bit.ly/43sUOcz

Ep. 118 - Craig in the Corner | The Most Badass Combat Music (ft. Nick and Will)

Are you ready? Do some stretches, slam a protein-packed Red Bull shake, and FIGHT! This week Aaron and Gerry are joined by fellow SuperPod Network members Nick and Will of "Friday Night Gamecast" to discuss some of the most badass, blood-pumping combat music in video games. CREDITSAaron: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/aaron-klaassenGerry: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/gerry-with-a-gFriday Night Gamecast: https://linktr.ee/FridayNightGamecastSOCIALSTwitter: https://twitter.com/SuperPodSagaInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/superpodsaga/Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/superpodsaga.bsky.socialYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@superpodsagaDiscord: https://discord.gg/7zXbMvVQksSuperPod Network: https://superpodnetwork.com/BONES COFFEEGet 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! https://bit.ly/43sUOcz

Ep. 117 - Diarrhea the Clown | The Best Settings in Horror Games

What? SUPERPOD SAGA is evolving! Join Gerry and Aaron as they try a new format with the show and talk about their favorite settings in horror games!CREDITSAaron: https:/ /superpodnetwork.com/person/aaron-klaassenGerry: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/gerry-with-a-gSOCIALSTwitter: https://twitter.com/SuperPodSagaInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/superpodsaga/Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/superpodsaga.bsky.socialYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@superpodsagaDiscord: https://discord.gg/7zXbMvVQksSuperPod Network: https://superpodnetwork.com/BONES COFFEEGet 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! https://bit.ly/43sUOcz

Announcement: SuperPod Saga + Retro Rehab Fusion

IT'S HAPPENING. We're combining SuperPod Saga and Retro Rehab using the power of FUSION. The best parts of each show will be combined into SuperPod Saga to form the next evolution, the final form, of the show.Give it a listen and find out what's happening!

Ep. 116 - I Am Disappoint | The Worst Sequels (ft. Thrak and Bill)

New is not always better. This week Aaron is joined by Thrak and Bill of "The 3DO Experience" to chat about the worst video game sequels!CREDITSAaron: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/aaron-klaassenThrak: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/thrakBill: linktr.ee/ThebarberwhogamesSOCIALSTwitter: https://twitter.com/SuperPodSagaInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/superpodsaga/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SuperPodSaga/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@superpodsagaPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/superpodsagaDiscord: https://discord.gg/7zXbMvVQksSuperPod Network: https://superpodnetwork.com/BONES COFFEEGet 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! superpodnetwork.com/bonescoffee

Ep. 115 - Notorious F.L.O.P. | Biggest Video Game Flops (ft. Thrak and Andre)

With so many games coming out all the time, there's bound to be some failures, right? This week Aaron was joined by Andre of "Fine Time" and Thrak to discuss the biggest flops in all of video games. CREDITS Aaron: ⁠⁠⁠https://superpodnetwork.com/person/aaron-klaassen Thrak: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/thrak Andre: ⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/FineTimePodcastSOCIALS Twitter: ⁠⁠⁠https://twitter.com/SuperPodSaga⁠⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.instagram.com/superpodsaga/⁠⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/SuperPodSaga/⁠⁠⁠ YouTube: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.youtube.com/@superpodsaga⁠⁠⁠ Patreon: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.patreon.com/superpodsaga⁠⁠⁠ Discord: ⁠⁠⁠https://discord.gg/7zXbMvVQks⁠⁠⁠ SuperPod Network: ⁠⁠⁠https://superpodnetwork.com/⁠⁠⁠ BONES COFFEE Get 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! superpodnetwork.com/bonescoffee⁠⁠⁠ TIME STAMPS 00:00 - Intros and Topic of the Day 15:27 - Concord 26:54 - Lawbreakers 34:35 - Babylon's Fall 43:31 - Evolve 48:41 - Street Fighter III: New Generation 58:03 - Patron shout-out and Bones Coffee promo 01:01:24 - [Episode Sponsor] Flavored Finger Nail Polish 01:08:12 - Duke Nukem Forever 01:19:49 - The Culling 2 01:25:25 - Pac-Man (Atari 2600 port) 01:32:12 - Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr's Journey 01:40:03 - (Dis)honorable Mentions 01:51:21 - Wrappin' it up and Outro

Ep. 114 - What’s in the Box??? | The Best Pack-In Games (ft. Leathco)

Remember the good old days of getting a sweet game with your brand new console? SuperPod Saga remembers. This week we were joined by Chris Leathco of “Afterglow: Retro Gaming Memories” to discuss some of our favorite pack-in games! Here’s that Gameboy Bingo song:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QieFLo3ymRQCREDITSAaron: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/aaron-klaassenGerry: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/gerry-with-a-gChris Leathco: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/afterglowshowSOCIALSTwitter: https://twitter.com/SuperPodSagaInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/superpodsaga/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SuperPodSaga/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@superpodsagaPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/superpodsagaDiscord: https://discord.gg/7zXbMvVQksSuperPod Network: https://superpodnetwork.com/BONES COFFEEGet 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout! superpodnetwork.com/bonescoffeeTIME STAMPS 00:00 - Intros and Topic of the Day09:15 - Sega Genesis 6-Pak12:02 - Metroid Prime20:15 - Wii Sports26:28 - Solitaire30:54 - Splatoon36:51 - Astro's Playroom41:35 - Patron shout-out and Bones Coffee promo44:57 - [Episode Sponsor] Electric Flip-Flops51:33 - TurboDuo Pack-Ins55:52 - Super Mario 3D Land01:02:41 - Titanfall01:05:55 - Tetris (Gameboy)01:08:25 - StreetPass Mii Plaza01:15:45 - Wrappin' it up and Outro

Ep. 113 - Denny’s Vs. Capcom | Made-Up Mash-Ups (ft. Nave, Thrak, and Beth)

What’s your dream mash-up? Banjo-Kazooie X Mario? Street Fighter + Virtua Fighter? We’ve got your mash-up needs covered this week! Gerry and Aaron were joined by Nave, Thrak, and Beth as we discussed only the best mash-ups that we’d love to see.CREDITSAaron: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/aaron-klaassenGerry: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/gerry-with-a-gNave: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/naveThrak: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/thrakBeth: https://superpodnetwork.com/podcast/super-ghost-radioSOCIALSTwitter: https://twitter.com/SuperPodSagaInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/superpodsaga/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SuperPodSaga/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@superpodsagaPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/superpodsagaDiscord: https://discord.gg/7zXbMvVQksSuperPod Network: https://superpodnetwork.com/BONES COFFEEGet 20% off your order using the link below and coupon code “SUPERPODSAGA” at checkout!superpodnetwork.com/bonescoffeeTIME STAMPS00:00 - Intros and Topic of the Day16:42 - Mortal Kombat Vs. Sex Offenders20:24 - Resident Evil 4: Pokemon Edition23:25 - Doom Eternal x Overcooked26:41 - Frasier Murderverse30:33 - Animal Crossing Spookhouse34:37 - The Rosanne of Us 37:59 - Doom Guy Rip and Tear Paper Simulator43:36 - Patron shout-out and Bones Coffee promo46:57 - [Episode Sponsor] “Babies With Rabies” 54:56 - Hotline Miami (feat. Infommercial Products)57:52 - Pac-Persona-Man01:00:27 - Untitled Koopa Game01:02:43 - Bathhouse Ghost Exterminator01:05:21 - Muppet Madness01:12:15 - Pokemon Snap - Oops, All Furries01:20:34 - Wrappin' it up and Outro

Ep. 112 - Plungin’ & Ballin’ | The Best Pinball Video Games (ft. Willie)

Confucius once said: “ballin’ ain’t easy”. That’s why we’re sticking to pinball! The SuperPod duo was joined by Willie of “Grand Rapidians Play Video Games” to discuss the best pinball video games and pinball tables!CREDITSAaron: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/aaron-klaassenGerry: https://superpodnetwork.com/person/gerry-with-a-gWillie: https://linktr.ee/GrandRapidiansSOCIALSTwitter: https://twitter.com/SuperPodSagaInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/superpodsaga/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SuperPodSaga/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@superpodsagaPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/superpodsagaDiscord: https://discord.gg/7zXbMvVQksSuperPod Network: https://superpodnetwork.com/BONES COFFEEBones Coffee has some of the best flavors of coffee that I've ever tasted. Do me a FLAVOR and check some out! Click the link below and use coupon code "SUPERPODSAGA" at checkout to get 20% off of your order!superpodnetwork.com/bonescoffeeTIME STAMPS 00:00 - Intros and Topic of the Day08:50 - Space Cadet Pinball, Kirby's Pinball Land11:30 - Devil's Crush, Alien Crush, Jaki Crush13:39 - Yoku's Island Express17:29 - Kiss Pinball, Pro Pinball Big Race USA18:46 - Revenge of the 'Gator21:47 - ParanoiaScape23:16 - Flipnic: Ultimate Pinball, Odama29:31 - Pinball Quest31:43 - The Pinball of the Dead34:08 - Demon’s Tilt35:34 - Mario Pinball Land37:48 - Lots of new and current Pinball games41:03 - Patron shout-out and Bones Coffee promo44:41 - [Episode Sponsor] Flavor-Blasted Amphibian Crunchies52:27 - Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire, The Little Mermaid II: Pinball Frenzy55:53 - Lotsa random pinball games01:13:21 - Wrappin' it up and Outro
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